Rates and Sliding Scale

I operate a sliding scale system that is based on trust. This means I will not ask for proof of eligibility and there's no need to justify which rate you can afford. I do ask, however, that if your circumstances change and you are able to, you adjust your fee in line with the sliding scale.

Below you can see some things to consider to help you decide which rate is most suitable. Wherever you meet the most criteria is a good guideline for the appropriate fee. If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

£80 per session

Is this for you?

  • I can comfortably meet my basic needs

  • I own my own home or property, rent a higher-end property or do not need to pay rent

  • I am employed and/or do not need to work to meet my basic needs

  • I have available disposable income

  • I can afford to buy new things and participate in leisure activities

  • I can afford holidays and take time off when I need to

£70 per session

Is this for you?

  • I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly meet them

  • My rent or mortgage takes up a noticeable chunk of my income but I do still have enough left over to do some nice things

  • I may have debts but it doesn’t prohibit me from meeting my basic needs

  • I am employed

  • I have some disposable income

  • I can buy new things and participate in leisure activities but I have to budget to do so

  • I can take holidays but it's not always affordable

£40 per session*

Is this for you?

  • I stress about meeting my basic needs and don’t always meet them

  • I rent lower-end properties, am in social housing, or have unstable housing

  • I have debts which can stop me from affording my basic needs

  • I am low waged or unemployed

  • I have no access to savings

  • I have no financial support from family or a partner

  • I rarely buy new things because I can’t afford to

  • I cannot take a holiday or time off without financial burden

*Please note that I am only able to see a limited number of clients at this lower cost rate. If there is a waiting list and you would like to find someone who may be able to see you sooner, I can signpost you to other therapists / organisations that offer low cost rates.