Coaching for Therapists Setting Up Private Practice

Setting up private practice can feel incredibly overwhelming. There are so many things to think about and decide and it can be difficult to know where to start. You might have a clear idea of what you want your private practice to look like or you might have no idea at all. Or perhaps, you have too many ideas and want help distilling them. I support therapists through this process.

Why coaching?

When I set up my private practice, I couldn’t find all the information I needed in the same place. It took a lot of research and trawling through different books, blogs and facebook groups to find what I needed to get started. So yes, it’s definitely possible to do it on your own, but you don’t have to!

I know what needs to be done, how to do it and what questions to ask to ensure you’re setting things up from the start to avoid more work in the future.

What can coaching help with?

Goals and ideas

To help you identify what you want to do and how you do it so your private practice aligns with your values.

Action Plan

To create tangible steps to successfully and efficiently reach your goals and make your ideas come alive.


To help with your focus and motivation, I offer an encouraging, supportive and collaborative space.

Whether you need help with the details or the big picture of starting private practice, the sessions are tailored to what you want to focus on. This can be a wider conversation to help you think about what you want your practice to look like or a specific aspect of setting up private practice that you're feeling stuck with. It can also be a general discussion of the different things you'll need to do and consider to get up and running.

Some of the things we can talk through include –

Vision What does my practice look like in terms of assessment process, scheduling and number of clients?

Promoting myself How and where should I advertise myself to get the clients I want?

Administrative How should I keep track of client information and finances?

Operational What are the practicalities of my practice, like fees and cancellation?


I offer a free 15 minute chat for you to ask questions about what I am offering and see if it aligns with what you're looking for before booking in any sessions.

After this, you have the option to book one session, three sessions or six sessions. Each of these options is on a self-selecting sliding scale, the criteria for which is outlined below. Three and six sessions can be paid for in instalments if needed.

1 session

Standard rate £75

Higher rate £85

Optional add ons:

*Setting up private practice checklist – £10

*Paperwork – £50


3 sessions

Standard rate £205

Higher rate £235

Included in the cost:

*Setting up private practice checklist

Optional add on:

*10% off paperwork – £45


6 sessions

Standard rate £400

Higher rate £460

Included in the cost:

*Setting up private practice checklist and all paperwork


Paperwork includes therapy contract template; data privacy policy (GDPR); income & expenditure spreadsheet that clearly shows monthly income and outgoings; and email templates (e.g. responding to initial enquiries; following up on missed sessions and payments; and more!)

Higher rate

Is this for you?

  • I can comfortably meet my basic needs

  • I own my own home or property, rent a higher-end property or do not need to pay rent

  • I am employed and/or do not need to work to meet my basic needs

  • I have available disposable income

  • I can afford to buy new things and participate in leisure activities

  • I can afford holidays and take time off when I need to

Standard rate

Is this for you?

  • I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly meet them

  • My rent or mortgage takes up a noticeable chunk of my income but I do still have enough left over to do some nice things

  • I may have debts but it doesn’t prohibit me from meeting my basic needs

  • I am employed

  • I have some disposable income

  • I can buy new things and participate in leisure activities but I have to budget to do so

  • I can take holidays but it's not always affordable

Frequency and schedule

We can meet every week, fortnightly or monthly, this is up to you. I also have some flexibility to be able to offer sessions at different times if the same day/time wouldn't work with your schedule.

If booking three sessions, they have to be taken within 3 months, and six sessions within 6 months.

Next steps

You can book your free 15 minute video chat through this link or if you already know you'd like to book one or more sessions, or have any questions, you can contact me to check my availability.